We serve, but then we look for our significance from those we serve or those who supervise or watch our service. We don't do it completely humbly, expecting and waiting on God to honor us rather than others. As we think about how and where we will serve, our decisions are sometimes based on the honor the position or location will bring us and not our calling.
When it comes to giving our worries and cares to God, we're not sure he'll want them, or we see them as petty, or we view it as something we are supposed to do because good Christians aren't supposed to worry. But do we really believe that the motive is because "he cares" for us and doesn't want us burdened with them?
I'm learning to put the two together in ministry. To serve humbly and when I become worried about my importance and significance, I give that to God because it says he cares, and it says that at the right time, he will honor me. I need to leave that up to him.