Sunday, October 05, 2008

Intruder Alert

I'm reading the Asbury Kingdomtide Reader as a devotional this fall. Today's reading had this to say; "The Kingdom was supposed to fit our plans and agendas, but instead it is disruptive. He calls for life-change, for others-centeredness, for repentance. But it is too uncomfortable to repent; we'd rather wait around for a sign. We're not budging until we have reason to."

Then on the cover of the reader, I notice the Message translation of Romans 12:1; "So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an offering."

Our plans, our life...offering? This isn't a time-tithe request, it is a full-on request to lay our lives upon the altar in response to Jesus' laying his there for us. This IS disruptive. Asking for signs - and we all do that, by the way - is just consumerism in response to a call for charity. How much of my life is asking for more from God when he's already given it all and how much of it is me giving my life up to "do the will of my Father in heaven?"

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