Monday, July 14, 2008

Turning Around

John the Baptist called for repentance; and in Luke when people asked "What do we do?" he responded by giving descriptions of opposite behavior than they had been living. I find this interesting; I've often struggled just simply changing my behavior for any length of time without the grace and power of God changing me from within.

On the other hand, I have seen how even small heart-attitude changes that come with honest effort to be obedient to God have provided room for God's Spirit to work in me and change me. Perhaps that was what John was seeking. Just as the Son of God is coming onto the scene, John is calling people to turn around for a moment so that they might not miss the gift being given.

What are your thoughts on repentance? Can we stop doing the wrong and start doing the right outside of God's transformational power in our lives? Is the desire and effort to do so a catalyst for that transformational power to do its work in us?

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